
Readyslate Approved for Hurricane Zone by the State of Florida

readyslate fbc approval

After a category 5 hurricane struck South Florida in 1992, the state’s existing building codes proved to be insufficient, which began the creation of the statewide Florida Building Code (FBC). Since March 2002, the FBC overrules all local building codes and is enforced by local governments.

Compromising on building materials is a concept of the past, and we are proud to announce that Readyslate currently meets or exceeds the requirements of the Florida Building Code.

This achievement highlights Readyslate’s adherence to the safety, durability, and performance criteria outlined by the code. For homeowners and contractors alike, it translates to peace of mind, knowing the roof installed aligns with the highest industry standards.

readyslate roof house

Each Readyslate module consists of six hand-quarried natural slates, mounted on a membrane. The modular design not only guarantees impeccable waterproofing but also ensures effortless integration with most standard roof elements, making it an ideal solution for diverse building coverings.

In addition to meeting the FBC standards, Readyslate also holds the High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) approval. This certification- backed by test results from certified independent laboratories – ensures that our real slate roofing solution is a safeguard against the extreme conditions of high-velocity hurricanes.

In hurricane-prone areas like Florida, where building codes are designed to enhance structural resilience, having an HVHZ-approved roof provides confidence in the purchase and installation of our product.

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Please contact your local Readyslate representative for more details by filling out the form below.