
CUPACLAD is now part of the prestigious Green Book Live database thanks to its sustainability credentials

cupaclad bre global

Our natural slate rainscreen cladding systems – CUPACLAD 101 and CUPACLAD 201 – are now included in the Green Book Live database elaborated by BRE Global. To be part of this exclusive list,  BRE Global must approve the environmental product declaration which analyses the product’s life cycle. CUPACLAD has reached the goal thanks to a high environmental performance.

Therefore, our rainscreen cladding systems joins two of the most iconic natural slate roofing models – HEAVY 3 and CUPA 12 – which are already part of this exclusive club since 2019.

The Green Book Live database analyses the whole lifecycle of the product following the ‘Cradle to grave’ methodology, which quantifies and assesses the product from the moment it’s produced to waste management and its eventual elimination.

This database is managed by BRE Global, an independent organisation internationally recognized for its standing and experience, guaranteeing a rigorous verification process.

rainscreen cladding cupaclad

Consequently, the environmental product declaration of all CUPACLAD systems is fully verified and meet the norm EN 15804:2012+A1:2013.

Natural slate is the roofing and façade material with the least environmental impact, as it has been already assessed by the independent database Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE, University of Bath).

icon sustainable Would you like to know more about natural slate’s sustainability? We have an entire section in our website explaining our environmental policy, our international certifications and our environmental commitment.

In contrast to other alternative artificial products, natural slate does not need any chemical products, which makes CUPACLAD a more sustainable alternative.

cupaclad bre global

This database takes into account strictly all the life cycle process and not just production. For example, our rainscreen cladding only requires manual drilling to be installed. And once in place, it has a lifespan of over 60 years if we take as a reference the 2020 UK weather.

If, for any reason, you would have to dismantle or demolish the building before that time, CUPACLAD can be easily disassembled with the same drill – and 90% of the natural slate can be reused in any other project!