
‘It’s been really interesting to learn how people from different countries do slating’

compass roofing

Compass Roofing, a Scotland-based roofing contractor, was chosen by our audience as the Best Natural Slater of the year. As part of the prize, they will visit our quarries and Headquartes in Northern Spain.  Let’s catch up with them to see how they found competing against other roofing companies from all over Europe.

CUPA PIZARRAS – How do you feel about winning the 2022 Best of the Best competition?

Scott Miller, Managing Director – We are really happy to have won the 2022 Best of Best Competition, it is a fantastic accolade. We are looking forward to visiting the CUPA PIZARRAS HQ and quarries to see where the slates we have used for such a long time come from.

CP – What do you like about CUPA PIZARRAS slate? Do you use it often?

SM – CUPA PIZARRAS slates are the best slates we like to work with (unless alternative is specified). The quality is consistent and they are easy to sort and grade before installing on the roof. They lay really well and leave a great finish.

We enjoy using the 16 x 10”s (40×25)  and the 16 x 9”s (40×22) which are very typical of Scottish slating.

CP – Lewis Miller is director at Compass Roofing and the person in charge of the social media channels. How do you feel about winning the 2022 Best of the Best competition?

Lewis Miller – Yes, we’ve loved taking part of the 2022 Best of the Best competition, it’s been a real confidence boost. It was so exciting to see all the votes coming in, was a great experience. I’ve seen the production of process of natural slates in videos and I am really looking forward to seeing it in person.

CP – You have a great social media following – do you feel that your TikTok and other social channels are helping to raise the profile of roofing as a profession and the manufacturers you use?

LM – Director: Yes, the social media activity has been great. We started recording some videos as we saw others doing something similar and two videos in particular blew up on TikTok receiving 20 and 30 million views.

We think this is because slating is craft that requires skills so it interests people, we’ve had comments and questions from people all over the world. It’s been really interesting to learn how people from different countries do slating.

Our profile and social media activity is always getting comments from our customers, it’s helped to raise our profile. It’s also good to be able to show customers who we are and what we can do.

CP – Natural slate is particularly popular in Scotland – why do you think that is? What do you like about it as a material?

LM – Natural slate is popular in Scotland as it’s part of Scottish heritage. Scotch slates were used on listed buildings meaning that they have to be replaced with an equivalent which is why it’s great to have a high-quality Spanish alternative to use.

Would you like to win the Best of the Best 2023? Even if the competition takes place in December, you can start preparing your natural slate videos! If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact directly to: